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  1. K

    Who do we come from?Adam and eve?Or Noah?

    Neither existed. So none. We evolved from earlier primates about 5 million years ago.
  2. K

    Another irrefutable proof that God created all things using mathematical induction. And a proof that The Bible is the word of God.

    That's not evidence or proof. Not anywhere near. It's just the same old debunked complexity argument. Life is complex, thus god. It's sad you think that's proof.
  3. K

    The Four Dirty Secrets Against Darwin Evolution

    Yes, to what you said in the first couple of sentences. Evolution is a well-established fact. All known evidence supports evolution. In fact, there isn't a single piece of evidence that contradicts evolution. What you present isn't evidence. It's just lies, misrepresentations, and logical...
  4. K

    Origin of Life

    James Tour isn't a credible source. He is a creationist that refuses to admit he has been proven wrong on many occasions. The scientific community ignores him because he lies.
  5. K

    Primordial Soup

    The primordial soup isn't a hypothesis anymore and has turned into a strawman from creationists. One more recent hypothesis is that life formed in alkaline hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor. These areas are conducive to organic molecules forming. The formation of self-replicating molecules...
  6. K

    Creationism Creates Confusion for Christians

    So aphrodite then? The goddess of love? Certainly you don't mean the god of the bible who approves of rape, genocide, infanticide, murder, slavery, child and spousal abuse, terrorism etc?
  7. K

    E Vs C. Really now???

    More satire? I hope.
  8. K

    God is disproven by science? Really?

    A general deist God can not be disproven. But I assume your Christian, and the Christian god is easily disproven. We know for a fact because of evolution that Adam and Eve never existed. Without them, sin never entered the world. Without sin, there is no need for atonement. Thus, no need for...
  9. K

    Challenge for Those who believe that all Languages were not taught directly by God to Man

    This must be satire. We know exactly how language evolved. Just like there was no "original" human in evolution there was no first English speaker. I challenge creationists to come up with one claim that isn't a lie, misrepresentation or logical fallacy.
  10. K

    Challenge for Those that believe that the World is more than 1 second old. Prove it! No assumptions allowed!

    Uranium 238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. It decays in lead 206, a stable element, after several intermediates. The existence of lead proves the Earth is at least 4.5 billion years old. This is a fact not an assumption.
  11. K

    Evidence of NOAH's FLOOD

    Lol. Scientific? Sure. Answers in Genesis is a creationist apologetics site. It is not anywhere close to being scientific. Noah's Ark is a myth. My favorite part about Noah's Ark is how the herbivores all waited to eat until their food regrew and all the carnivores waited to eat until their...
  12. K

    Creationists, why do you attack evolution?

    Its only Christians and some Muslims that deny science. Other faiths accept science. Creationists aren't educated enough or properly to understand, well, anything. I'm still waiting for one creationist claim that isn't a lie, misrepresentation or logical fallacy.
  13. K

    which abrahamic religion do you like best?

    I have too from some Christian leaders. But only Catholics and Catholic-like. (Anglican, Lutheran etc.). I went to a Catholic priest a few times for therapy. He kept it basically secular until then end which we did a short prayer. Used to go to an Anglican church for the company and free food...
  14. K

    which abrahamic religion do you like best?

    Judaism, at least reform Judaism. I went to a synagogue a few times and talked with a Rabbi there. Very nice fellow. Not condescending like Christian pastors. (Well, protestants anyway). He asked me what I believed and I told him. At the time I was in-between atheism and deism. He told me I was...
  15. K

    Are Humans Animals Or Not ?

    Whether or not something is an animal or plant or bacteria or whatever is just a taxonomic classification. Yes, we are animals. You could look up the exact classification, and someone else already posted it. It doesn't mean anything. It's just how we recognize organisms to study them.
  16. K

    how do you feel when threatened with Hell?

    The same way I feel if I'm threatened by Lord Voldemort. Nothing, because it's fiction.
  17. K

    What do you think about Judas Iskariot?

    He's fictional, like everything else in the bible.
  18. K

    I believe I have answered, scientifically, why be kind

    All of biological and psychological traits in humans and other animals boil down to evolution. We evolved the need to be kind because it increases reproductive success. If we killed everyone, we wouldn't survive long.